Hubspot Delivering Sales Services Exam Answers


Q.1 – Which of the following is NOT a good criterion for an ideal buyer profile?

(A) Geographic location

(B) Size of company

(C) Industry or vertical

(D) Job title

Q.2 – Looking at the matrix below, what should your client do when prospects fit into the highlighted quadrant?

(A) Have sales make immediate contact

(B) Have marketing nurture

(C) Offer group-based resources

(D) Avoid investing too many resources

Q.3 – True or false? If your client sells into multiple industries, they should have an ideal buyer profile for each.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.4 – The processes for creating an ideal buyer profile and creating a buyer persona are essentially the same except for one key difference. What is it?

(A) Buyer personas are optional, but every company needs to have at least one ideal buyer profile.

(B) Ideal buyer profiles are static, but buyer personas need to be continually updated.

(C) Ideal buyer profiles only includes demographic information, while buyer personas should include information about a person’s goals, fears, and challenges.

(D) Buyer personas should be created primarily by the marketing team, while ideal buyer profiles should be created primarily by sales.

Q.5 – Looking at the matrix below, what should your client do when prospects fit into the highlighted quadrant? (Type 2)

(A) Have marketing nurture these leads

(B) Offer group-based resources

(C) Avoid investing too many resources

(D) Hand off to sales and have sales make immediate contact

Q.6 – Looking at the matrix below, what should your client do for leads that fall into the highlighted quadrant? (Type 3)

(A) Have marketing nurture

(B) Avoid investing too many resources

(C) Have sales make immediate contact

(D) Offer group-based resources

Q.7 – Looking at the matrix below, what should your client do when prospects fit into the highlighted quadrant? (Type 4)

(A) Have marketing nurture

(B) Offer group-based resources

(C) Avoid investing too many resources

(D) Have sales make immediate contact

Q.8 – True or false? Your client can only have one buyer persona per ideal buyer profile.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.9 – When implementing HubSpot CRM for a client, should you help them create custom properties?

(A) Yes – help them create as many as they need for the information they want to know about their contacts.

(B) Yes – but focus primarily on properties to hold information connected to their buyer personas and the way they qualify leads.

(C) No – it’s better to teach them about the standard properties and then add custom properties later, after they already understand the basics.

(D) No – while adding custom properties is an option, creating new properties early on can lead to confusion and disorganization later.

Q.10 – You have a client that you think would benefit from using HubSpot CRM. When you suggest this to them, they say, “I like the idea of using a CRM, but I don’t think my reps will remember to record their activities in it.” What’s the best way to respond to address this concern?

(A) “No worries–we can use the Tasks feature to send reminder emails to your reps so they don’t forget.”

(B) “Good point–maybe HubSpot CRM isn’t a good fit for you.”

(C) “Good point–let’s make sure we set up a time to train your reps so they understand the value of recording their work in the CRM.”

(D) “Not a problem–HubSpot CRM automatically records emails and calls so reps don’t have to.”

Q.11 – You have a client who is already using HubSpot’s marketing platform and wants to try out HubSpot CRM. How do you get them started?

(A) By going to and creating a CRM account

(B) By adding the CRM to their existing portal

(C) Reach out to your Channel Consultant to create a new portal that includes marketing and CRM

(D) Have your client contact HubSpot Support to enable this in their portal

Q.12 – Which of the following is NOT a standard report on the Sales Dashboard?

(A) Deal Forecast

(B) Sales Performance

(C) Deal Leaderboard

(D) Productivity

Q.13 – You are implementing HubSpot CRM for a client who doesn’t use Gmail or Outlook for their emails. What is the best way for their team to log their emails in HubSpot CRM?

(A) Using the email functionality on the contact record to send emails from inside the CRM

(B) Manually logging emails in the CRM

(C) Importing the email messages in bulk

(D) Using the CRM’s bcc and forwarding addresses

Q.14 – Fill in the blank. Before a client can start tracking their active sales inside HubSpot CRM, they need to customize their _____________.

(A) lead views

(B) buyer personas

(C) deal stages

(D) sales process

Q.15 – Collecting a client’s contact data together to import can be a daunting task. What is the BEST way to position this job to your client?

(A) Point out importing is actually just a small part of the full implementation process.

(B) Remind them that the outcome will be worth the trouble.

(C) Present it as an opportunity for them to organize and validate their data.

(D) Tell them that it’ll be a lot of work but it’s unavoidable.

Q.16 – You want to help your client automate their sales rep email follow up. Which tool would be most helpful?

(A) The Workflow tool because this will allow marketers to take over and nurture leads for the sales reps.

(B) The Meetings tool because this will allow prospects to easily set up time with a sales rep.

(C) The Sequences tool because this will allow sales reps to schedule a series of targeted emails to send over time.

(D) The Documents tool because sales reps can see which content to send next to the prospect.

Q.17 – True or false? One of the biggest challenges of successful sales enablement is creating enough content. Most companies don’t have enough content for the sales team to be able to send prospects in the buying process.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.18 – True or false? Your client’s sales reps should use HubSpot Sales to track when a message has been opened or clicked as a way to understand when a prospect signals their interest.

(A) True

(B) False

Q.19 – All of the following are tactics to help your client engage with their prospects, EXCEPT:

(A) Track contacts who are in-market for their services

(B) Convert website traffic into leads

(C) Make it easier for prospects to book meetings with your client’s sales reps

(D) Tailor and template email outreach messages

Q.20 – You’re teaching a client how to handle content management and creation. How should the sales team be involved during this process?

(A) Only in the beginning. Gather the content that the sales team is currently using, and then let the marketing team take it from there.

(B) Throughout the process. Determine the content the sales team has produced, involve them in future content creation and in providing feedback to the marketing team.

(C) Not at all. When it comes to content, you should only focus on working with your client’s marketing team to determine which content the sales team needs.

(D) At the very end. This is when you should present the content analysis to the sales team and make sure they know which content they should use moving forward.

About HubSpot Delivering Sales Services Course

The Delivering Sales Services course from the Hubspot marketing platform is designed to help sales reps to get a better understanding of how to deliver sales services to desired clients with a positive and strong ROI and increase retainers.

The course contains video lessons as well as hands-on practical examples that teach sales representatives how to offer sales services to clients.

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